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Another Back In The Day From Bob Ain't Stoppin'
Continuing, in 1998 We visited a rally in Greenfield, MA (local to us), and I zeroed in on an R1100RS which. Put 40k miles on this one. Great bike. Me ant Steve in VT. His was a 1997 model:
[Image: S%26B_Vt.jpg]

Next up I got a 2005 GS in preparation for an Alaska trip:
[Image: 091_GlacierPark.jpg]

Sold that one as it was just too big in the garage and went to a Guzzi Breva thinking it would get away from rear drive failures. Didn't work out. Traded after two seal failures in warranty:
[Image: RAAshville2007_14.jpg]

Went to an F800ST which I took on several nice trips:
[Image: BBTW_260.jpg]

Next was a Yamaha FJ-09. Great bike but cheap hardware and used a chain:
[Image: IMG_8975.jpg]

Getting rid of the chain I went to an R1200R:
[Image: AintNorth_211.jpg]

And finally the R1200RS (if I didn't forget anything). You know what they look like so here's pic of my collection at one point:
[Image: img_8785.jpg]

Ok Time for some of you others to do up your history.
Thanks for watching, Ain't

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RE: Another Back In The Day From Bob Ain't Stoppin' - by BobAin'tStoppin' - 01-09-2021, 10:48 AM

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