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What the "No U-Turn" setting really means.
Good afternoon everyone,
Yesterday I discovered what happens when you aovid the Nav VI "U-Turn" setting--you are directed to complete a large loop back to where the GPS wanted you to go, but you didn't, anyway, but in this case you may not realize what the GPS is doing!
Case in point, yesterday I rode up to the Catoctin Mount Park (home of Camp David) for some back-road riding. I set the town of Smithburg as a waypoint but didn't need, or intend, to ride through the middle of town, I just wanted to get on to highway 77. Well the GPS was none too pleased with my decision and after a few miles it suggested I turn left. Well, okay... Then a few miles more and it suggested yet another left turn.
A wise man once said, "Two wrongs don't make a right but three left's do."
I because suspicious and after some checking, sure enough, the GPS would have me make a 30 mile...return loop, because the u-turn setting was off. Later, when trying to jump off the I-270 Parking Lot, the GPS tried the same trick again. I had to stop and turn off the setting, at which point the GPS had to admit that it really wanted me back on the freeway...
The single-lane Ritchie Road was fun, though.

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What the "No U-Turn" setting really means. - by O'erTheHill - 03-12-2021, 12:25 PM

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