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Thoughts on the demise of forums
(07-02-2022, 12:56 PM)Pyrrho Wrote: I've been online since I was first introduced to a 110-baud dial-up modem and DECWriter paper terminal in the late 70s. Dial-up BBSes hosted on Apple IIs, Commodore 64s and Trash 80s, to helping run my state's first public-access Internet service, to newsgroups, to burgenoing website forums, to...

...the crap we have today where most rely on ephemeral services like FB, Google, WordPress, etc to host and maintain their site's content. It's "easiest", with "good" being replaced with an ever-declining "good enough" standard to the point that newcomers to this all think that's the only way there is or was. People don't want to invest the time, money, and continued resources to self-host and maintain it -- so they don't own it, and it will be taken away from them in the future.

Recognize and support those like the Goat (even though he mostly rides a Tracer now) because are YOU going to do what he's done and continues to do when so many others have failed? Thanks Grumpy. I appreciate you, this site, and anyone who has contributed or will do so in the future. This dies when we stop caring.

I'm a dinosaur- my introduction to the Bitnet and then the Internet was on a DEC-20 many years ago. I had a 110-baud dial-up modem too although I needed help to make it work. I detest Facebook- I don't have an FB account and I consciously try and limit my screen time. It's made me far more productive although others might disagree.  I'm also at the age when I can get away with staring frostily at someone who starts pawing their mobile phone during a discussion with me and inform her/him that the discussion is over. Of course, there is a price to pay for such behavior and I have paid it. Smile 

Anyway, I'm all for forums. Some age better than others.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Thoughts on the demise of forums - by Pyrrho - 07-02-2022, 12:56 PM
RE: Thoughts on the demise of forums - by gc141x - 07-11-2022, 06:53 PM

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