(11-27-2024, 12:52 PM)Becksy Wrote: That’s happened to me a couple of times, starts and then immediately cuts out, but then starts again fine. My bike even cut out mid ride this year whilst changing gear, was luckily on a downhill straight, and it fired up again whilst on the move. We don’t have winter fuel but have wondered if it could be due to using standard fuel rather than super.
(...or, as us old guys used to experience on occasion after visiting rural gas stations, old/bad fuel.
Under the right circumstances, doesn't take too many weeks for even modern fuel - especially with 10% ethanol - to go bad in spite of additives.
Not a common complaint today, but a lot of time in the old days listening to folks, especialy those with single cylinder, carborated two-strokes, talk about a bike "running badly." A highway trip with a fresh tank of gas was often the quick fix.)
"A good man always knows his limitations...."