(12-11-2019, 12:27 PM)darrell Wrote: I disagree with Ray and Wayne. This is a perfect bike for Midwest US cruising from museum to museum watching the corn grow in between each museum while stopping on occasion for a piece of pie and ice cream.You know - you're right. Define performance. Other than the people who live there, not much can make central Illinois interesting, but this bike might do it.
And Wayne - you might recall I opted for reduced calories the first year with y'all in Oark by skipping the main course and going right to the blueberry pie and ice cream.
(If I got preachy, I apologize and guess it was probably over the concept that Americans generally need to better match their energy intake to their energy expenditure; and I always try very hard to emphasize that one should never take it personally....)
"A good man always knows his limitations...."