(04-13-2020, 02:26 PM)darrell Wrote: After the reminder I do remember in 2017 a rider showing up who I had never seen. The first morning he was out in the parking lot while it was cold and raining with a $4 bicycle pump attempting add some air to a tire. I assumed he had borrowed his dads bike, pulled the pump from his bicycle and took a day of vacation from riding his bicycle to his blue collar minimum wage job at some packing plant. Made this assumption based on the fact if he was a professional say him the medical field he would have the funds to have something more electronic to pump up his tires. Kind of like Lee, Terry or Wayne had with them....
Good memory for detail. Nice image.
If it makes you feel better, the electric pump sits in the right pannier with all the other anxiety-generated "stuff" I've collected over the years. (On that trip, which saw me run down to Texas for a week, I was also carrying a bead breaker.)
The hand pumps's faster for those few extra PSI. That particular model actually has a foot peg for upright use, but agreed, looks like a toy in the hands of someone as tall as you and I.
And as a belt and suspenders guy, I also have a bunch of 45 g CO2 cartridges scattered around the bike....
"A good man always knows his limitations...."