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Ride for free if you bought 5 year old equipment
(08-04-2020, 03:55 PM)Grumpy Goat Wrote:
(08-04-2020, 12:21 PM)36654 Wrote: Looks great, but how many times have you kicked it when mounting the bike?

Once ... in the one time I mounted the bike. Big Grin Got to do what I do when I tour with the RS and have my drybag on the back seat ... grab the cuff of my right pant leg and lift it over the seat. Big Grin

At least with the RS and the topbox I can throw my leg over the passenger seat no problem.

In the middle of last week, Wednesday or Thursday, I was futzing in the garage and the bike was parked aft of the car's rear bumper and athwartship to the car. Walking thru the gap, I can access my mechanical tools and auto/cycle parts in the cabinets. Instead of walking around the bike to exit the garage, I decided to mount the bike from the ride side (swing left leg over) and unmount on the left side. I most always, mount and unmount on the left side of the bike.

Well, something felt strange in this bit of ballet, but I went on my way. I think I even went for a ride. Anyhow, it took me 4hrs to get out of bed on Friday morning. Tear-jerking pain at the top of my left hip. My doctor's office gave me the option of the ER or an appointment on Monday morning. My wife had a strong preference for me not to go to the ER (COVID concerns). Ice packs, heating pads, gentle leg movements, Ibuprofen, spouse massages....finally allowed me to move. But, very gently. Saturday morning was a bit better, I was able to get out of bed in a bit under 3-hrs, but the piercing "top of the hip" pain had migrated to include an intense burning sensation on the side and front of my thigh. Again, ice packs, heating pads, gentle motion.........finally, I could make it to the toilet and spend a day as a slow-mo elderly person. Sunday morning was a 1.5hr ordeal to leave the bed but the pain was now a burning sensation on the side and front of my thigh with tingles radiating thru my groin area. Now some groin tingles are good, others indicate you should find a bush. These were the bush variety. My doctor's appt was for 8A Monday morning which required a 5A wake-up to be safe. The Nurse Practitioner did the assessment and sent me to the ER for an MRI, fearing to prescribe any PT or exercises if I had herniated any discs or other back injuries. Somewhere around 3:30P, the ER doc reported the MRI was fine (actually quite good considering my age) and handed me a prescription for muscle relaxers which give me a dull headache but eliminated the morning pain and the groin tingles.

So, yes, motorcycles are dangerous.
I knocked, but the door was open.......
Central PA: 2016 Lupin RS - Keys and no TPMS

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ride for free if you bought 5 year old equipment - by Olgry1 - 08-04-2020, 04:25 PM
RE: Ride for free if you bought 5 year old equipment - by 36654 - 08-04-2020, 05:11 PM

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